Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Whoa, sorry

I didn't realize it'd been so long since I'd posted. The school term is over, but I came home from my last final and turned on my current addiction, the computer game Civilization IV. The game uses so much of my computer's memory that it takes like an hour to shut the game down and get back on the internet. Besides that, it's so enveloping and consuming that I can play for, literally, hours and hours before pausing to eat or go to the bathroom, returning shortly to play for more hours.

Otherwise, things are boring here. My roommate has had his hours cut - but they won't fire him, so he can't collect unemployment, either - so he's been milling around the house, grumpy. There aren't jobs to be found anywhere, even the trusty UPS which seems to always be in need of at least part-time employees. I'm trying to decide what to do when (if) I graduate in March. There's a temporary Federal job I could apply for, but I'm not sure on the dates; there's also a couple field schools, stateside and abroad that would be good for me in the archaeological field. Mostly, though, I'm sitting around thinking about what to get people for Christmas.