Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sometimes I'm Mildly Productive

Give me a bit of time by myself and I will actually become productive (eventually). A lot of things have happened recently that were slowly adding up the stress and so this last holiday weekend I was looking forward to going to the lake and forgetting about things for a few days. However, it poured all weekend at the lake and the power was even knocked out Sunday night, so while everyone was cheerful, joking and we made a great time of it anyway, we were all crammed indoors and none of the floating on the air mattress or going for pleasantly slow boat rides in the evening that I had envisioned occurred. My parents, who I had caught a ride with, and I opted to cut out early and I accompanied them all the way back down to their house so as to actually get that break I'd been looking for.

This morning I woke up just after everyone left to the sound of someone drilling concrete or maybe there was a monster burping across the street. In any case, there was a strange sound happening seemingly right outside my window at far too early an hour for there to be such noise. Normally I would not be awake at 8am, beautiful morning or not, but I pulled myself out of bed then had to mediate a dog-cat fight.

There's a lot of floor space at my parent's house, one of the things I love about it, so I used my dad's weight set and worked out my shoulders and lats before hopping in the shower and giving my hair a serious conditioning. Then I lounged in the sunny room and read a National Geographic all the way through, slowly. After I put that down, the dog and I had a chase-the-ball-around-the-house game and I finished off the coffee. I caved eventually and brought out the laptop I'd been avoiding and while perusing the apartment listings I tried to convince myself that I really could fit into a studio and after a few minutes I actually wasn't morbidly depressed by craigslist. I even contemplated furniture!

It was about then I looked at the clock hoping that my mom's show (she watches some soap opera) had finished recording so I could flip channels and I realized that it hadn't even come on yet because it was only 11:20. There are many days that I don't even get up until then. So I made a deal with the dog that at noon we'd go for a walk to try and kill time while it was taping. Meanwhile I found a download for Weeds season 4, which I'd been itching to watch and got it set up. We walked, I made lunch, fixed some things on iTunes and found a new Top Gear episode on the tv. It's not even two.


Middle Child said...

Wow! I am a bit of a pain to my four sisters (or to the two who still talk with me) I have always been a very early riser and just can not sleep in no matter how little sleep in the night...sometimes i haul out of bed at my customary 6am and look back at the bed wishing i could sleep in - just doesn't happen - and I get heaps done before about mid day - then not much at all - you probably work the other way round.

Sara said...

I LOVE to get up early, but my body doesn't usually. My favorite time of day is really early on a summer morning - before it's too hot and before anyone's out and about. It's like my own personal world then.

Oddly, when I'm camping I wake up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at like 5:30 in the morning. THAT was a pain to my sis this summer when we went across the country.