Friday, August 29, 2008

fingers-in-my-ears time

Now that the presidential candidates have made their picks, it's time for me to stop paying attention. I didn't even have to wait this long, really; I knew who I was voting for since Obama got the nomination. Everything from here on out is pointless, and anyone who has a couple of brain cells to rub together and reads the news more than twice a year knows how the candidates stand on the issues already and have made up their minds. I firmly believe that those wavering on voting for Obama because of "inexperience", or "is he the right kind of candidate" are covering for their racism, possibly racism they don't even know (and certainly won't admit) they have.

But I let myself get angry this morning while innocently turning on the television to watch a soccer game. McCain's pick for VP just infuriates me. The utter contempt McCain and the rest of these people show for women is unbelievable. He really thinks that if he puts a woman on the ticket that he'll get women to vote for him. He thinks we're that dumb! I'm not going to vote for someone simply because we share the same anatomy, and to think that I'm going to overlook the fact that we have nothing in common in our background (other than hunting and living on the west coast) and certainly nothing in common for our vision of the future, and vote simply for some sort of solidarity with my gender is insulting to say the least.

Having said all that, I have a terrible feeling that Obama is not going to win. This joke of a pairing McCain/Palin are going to run our lives for the next four years. Can you imagine what depths they'll pull us to? I was devestated and mind-blown that Kerry lost four years ago. I simply could not believe the majority of Americans could vote for that bastard again. But I won't be surprised this time - disappointed, yes, but not surprised.


Middle Child said...

Puulleeaasse let the US elections vbe over... the rest of the world feels like a good chuck up in a bucket.

Sorry Sara... but no matter who the show pony is they elect they will still think they have a right to tell the rest of us who what, where, when and why we should support the US domination of the whole planet. US policy is madness and if those of us subservient to US policy buck that system then we can expect the same treatment as Iraq, or Afghanistan or Somalia etc etc etc. Yr election and the consequences no matter who gets elected scares the bejesus out of the rest of the wokld except for China.

Now there is the worry!

Sara said...

The US doesn't run the world; the WTO and the World Bank do, powered by the corporations. Granted much of that is made of Americans, but to say the US is solely responsible for everything wrong in the world is to give them too much credit. And I say "them" because people like me have as much say in what goes down as you do - not a lot. We're all subject to the consequences of messing with the "free trade"; look for more of this in the future, not just over oil, but water too.

We're all doomed, I tell ya.

Middle Child said...

I forgot!!! I agree. As soon as an Australian Prime Minister is "elected" no matter what has been promised he quickly jets off to Brussels, Wall Street, and other International financial hubs like Japan, and China these days. A friend told me years ago to watch this happen and every time since then we've had a new Prime Minister it happened within about 4 weeks. Then on return they put the boot in regarding taxes and areas of social service etc...

I am amazed any of us have jobs these days when you consider the fact that it is almost impossible to find anything not made in China, unless you go to local markets etc...and the whole world has allowed this to happen because we are all hooked (I am as well) on cheaper clothes, and things...sorry a little digression

Anonymous said...

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. I want to believe that McCain picked Palin because he really liked her, and really did want to part from the typical Washington crowd. I know the liberals don't and won't believe that, but I hope that's the case. Honestly, I think the only way we're ever going to get real change in this country is to toss out the whole lot - all the Senators, the administration, and most of the Congressmen and women. I say most because some of them are relatively new and are not part of the Washington regime. I keep telling myself that our founding fathers are turning in their graves over what goes on in D.C. these days, but I'm not so sure. I think even they were a bunch of power hungry, money grubbing, political blowhards, with the possible exception of George Washington and John Adams.

Sara said...

Gina's back! Wooo!

I do agree that the culture of Washington needs to change, but I don't think that can happen simply by replacing the people in it if the structures of the culture remain in place. What I mean by that is that Washington politicians weren't born evil, and weren't necessarily corrupt idiots when they got there - they could very well have been excellent people with high moral standards and lofty ideals - but the system causes, condones, or encourages (that may be redundant) corruption, cronyism, etc. New faces are a start (and of course, I'd advocate more and better - ie, ones with an actual, working backbone - Democrats. Heck, maybe even a bonafide socialist or something spicy like that!), but it needs to be accompanied by structural changes to be anything but "new faces, same game."

It always amuses me, though, when people who have been in Congress for longer than I've been alive complain about how Congress doesn't work. Well, who's fault is that? Just sounds like sour grapes that "they" didn't always vote for "my" bills and ideas.

I'm partial to Thomas Jefferson, myself. He did a bit of archaeology (wayyyy before his time on that), funded and encouraged the Lewis and Clark Expedition and seemed to have a genuine curiosity about the natural and social history of the world. Of course he had his flaws too, with the slave owning, plantation running, etc. But in general, "power hungry, money grubbing, political blowhards" is an excellent summary. Well done. :)