Monday, October 13, 2008

Worlds Collide!!!!

An old army friend ran into me today on campus. I was stunned. I couldn't think of his name, where I knew him from, other than generally 'the army' (though I could, strangely, tell you his hometown), or if he was married/who he was married to. What's odd is that I thought I saw him in a class a few days ago, and I thought, "man, that guy looks familiar. Who does he remind me of? What was that guy's name?" What's even more odd is that that guy from my class wasn't him.

Anyway, with some facebook/myspace sleuthing, I took a guess at his name and eventually put it all together. Only a few times have my army friends met and hung out with my civilian friends, and even then it was a planned event. This unexpected collision of worlds that were never meant to intersect leaves me feeling woozy. I like to have a general sense of order in the world and in that order certain people do not belong in certain places. It's sort of like a character from a book I've read long ago appearing in a new and completely different story. Weird, weird, weird.

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

Ah Sara...for those of us in our fifties to realise those of you in your 20's are having problems with life, the universe and everything is hard.

The good ones of us were just trying to survive... the others don't matter...but what sort of world have we left you? In my case just trying to stay okay with my kids and husband who was so injured. But knowing that I couldn't have changed things for you lot,... because of my life circumstances doesn't mean I was unaware.

LIke most of our generation, I was just trying to survive...