Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Here's a blogpost, since I've been so spotty recently. I've spent nearly every waking moment today on the couch. I only got up to flush the toilet repeatedly (it's partially clogged and nothing has fixed it entirely), making myself some food and coffee, and taking the gross dog out to poop. The gross dog (my roommate's dog, not mine) has developed a sudden fear of grass and so instead of pooping on the lawn she's been depositing her crap on the sidewalk, the basement carpet and the office floor. I have to physically drag her onto the grass and stand there for twenty minutes until she gives up and drops a load. God I dislike that dog, and it pains me to say that about any canine. Oh and I broke up a cat fight, which surely embarrassed our boy Butters, but I can't let our kitty get stomped on! While sitting on the couch I did a bit of homework, so let it be known that I wasn't being completely lazy, just mostly immobile.

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

Plop - hahahah bloody hahaha - Don used to use that word about uninvited and unwelcome visitors who turned up at 8.30am and "Plopped" and wouldn't leave - you make me laugh Pllloop!!!!