Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's been this kind of day. I lucked out while working out earlier as it was pouring while I stretched and lifted weights, but by the time I'd driven over to the school with the running path, the sun was out and massive amounts of steam rose from the trail. Birds were singing, the power lines were making scary crackling sounds and a whole fleet of - I mean, at least thirty - ground squirrels had to make a mad dash for cover when I so rudely ran through their sunbathing strip.

This shot was from just a few minutes ago when there were sheets of rain falling and yet the sun was brightly shining through. The site more than made up for having to tolerate the trashy neighbors' domestic fight in the parking lot that happened about an hour earlier. These two incidents put together perfectly illustrate the benefits and downsides to living on the suburban edge of rural: your neighbors may be alcohol/meth-dependent domestic abusers with a penchant for really loud, shitty music, but hey - the views are great!

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

Wow and my goodness look at that...and look at the lovely view you have...who cares about the neighbours...when you can look at things like this