Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Sun! It's Out!

I can't tell you how happy I am that the sun is shining every now and again these days. School is absolute shit and I wish they'd just give me my degree already instead of tricking me with the fine print. I've been working on these same three credits for over a year now without success. That's not great for one's self esteem, you know.

Anyway, it's been sunny here and there and I've gotten out to run, hike, and hopefully this week, bike. The trees have leaves on them, finally, and I actually had to open the windows when I came home from the soccer game last night, as it was actually hot and stuffy in the apartment.

I'm waiting for a particular job to open up in the Portland area and while I know they're not going to update their job advertisements on the weekend, I can't help but check the listings every few hours. It's a compulsion at this point. I'd just really, really like to remain in the Portland area. While I love lots of other areas of the country and know that I *could* live in those places, that doesn't mean I necessarily *want* to. In the meantime, I'm living off of credit and trying to distract myself from my financial, job and school woes by working out, going to soccer games and catching up on various TV series that I've missed through the years.

Perhaps in a bit I'll post some photos from the last few weeks.

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

I hope you do get tghat job and where you want it as well - our winters are so mild here its probably like your Spring...but hopefully we will get the odd frost soon as i have a mandarin tree which is loaded and needs that frost...also i like my winters - to have a distinct change of seasons feels right... summer here was just too hot and wnet for so long - enjoy the good summer weather coming...