Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer tiiiiiiiiime

School's out, the sun's finally out, and I'm not doing a whole lot other than watching Euro 2008 in the mornings, reading a bit and walking around in the sun. I'm taking the summer off from school to have a real summer vacation for once. Should be fun! I plan on fishing, camping with the family, traveling (within N. America), going to lots of Timbers games, and actually playing a few shows with my band.

Yeah, I'm in a band. It's embarrassingly nerdy. It's an Oi! band with songs inspired by our local soccer team, the Portland Timbers. That's right, it's a Timbers Oi! theme band. Told you it was embarrassing. I'm the drummer and terrible.

I applied for graduation today. I'm not necessarily done with school after that. I still have a few months of benefits left on the GI Bill (possibly a whole year's worth), and I do eventually want to use that up. The thing is, I'm bored. And when I get bored I start to do poorly at whatever it is I'm working on at the time and right now my grades suck. I need a break until I get bored doing something else and school starts to sound like fun again, but I want a degree in my hands before venturing out to the work world, in case something great comes up and I don't ever get around to more schooling.

So that's me. Haven't felt like blogging much either, but perhaps that will change as the summer progresses.

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

I hope you enjoy the summer holiday - its winter here and am in Melbourne visiting my youngest daughter. I'm nine floors up and the cloud cover and rain seem permanent - but its sort of nice not to be responsible for things like you are when you are at home.

Something will come along that you like - John Lennon wrote something like "lifes what happens when you are making plans"

A drummer hey! Any photos?