Monday, June 30, 2008

It's a bit warm

I feel like kind of a wimp complaining about the heat considering I've been bitchin' about the cold and damp for so long and considering 102 is on the mild side in some parts of the world. But goddamn have I been useless these past few days. The peak day for the heat I woke up unusually sick and hungover from the not-so-heavy drinking the night before. I tried to stave off further ill effects by guzzling water, only to get sick about a half hour after crawling out of bed, so I ended up in the hole as far as hydration was concerned. In the evening we had an indoor soccer game at the facility with no air conditioning and even though it had cooled to about 90 outdoors, inside it was probably still 120. And we had no girl subs, so I had to play the whole game. As soon as the other team scored I felt spent and looked at the clock... a whole minute and a half had ticked away. By the time the game ended - we lost, of course - I was entirely useless, having spent the previous fifty minutes or so lumbering in front of our own goal hoping that if the opposition shot the ball, it might deflect off me and away. All that seemed to accomplish was to cover me in bruises.

The cat isn't enjoying it either. He keeps sprawling on the kitchen floor, making himself about four feet long, and shooting me disgusted looks and hollering whenever I'm within earshot as if I've done something to make it so miserably hot. I continue to assure him that it's not my fault, but being a cat, he's got to blame someone. He did seem momentarily cheered up earlier today though, when I caught site of him gleefully flinging some poor dead sparrow up in the air, feathers swirling all about, then pouncing on it again, tearing chunks of fluff and generally acting like some tough lion who's caught hisself a zebra.

My roommate got a Wii, ostensibly for his little boy, but we've played it more than the kid has even seen the thing. I have to admit, the boxing game actually made me sore. I mean, my muscles actually hurt, lame as that is. It's the same part of my back where I was shocked to discover recently that I could feel my ribs. It's not that I've ever been fat or anything, it's that I used to have muscle there. Enough of it and for so long that I wasn't aware that one could ever feel ribs in one's back. What a spindly sack of wimpitude I've become.

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

You make me laugh wimpitude! a new word for my vocabulary -

You have described the nature of all cats perfectly - and we love them for it...they do have a nasty streak - but it adds character - yours sounds like a real character

its cold here brrrr my fingies are having trouble even typing