Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Well hello!

I've been back a grand total of three weeks, but it feels like forever. I was worried that when I came back I'd fall into my old routine of sleeping in too late, watching 'Scrubs' all day, then drinking too much and having a headache for the next day causing me to sleep in too late, watch 'Scrubs' all day, then... you get the picture. But I've been pleasantly busy and even productive on occasion. I renewed my driver's license, got a fishing/hunting license, fished, tore up the garden and its eight inches of demon sod and planted some veggies - beans and peas are sprouting! I also spent a great deal of money on some new electronics - a laptop, turntable, stereo receiver, the like. I figure they'll last me forever so I took the band-aid approach and did it all at once, so I only have to go through the sickening feeling of spending wads of money one time. My youngest sis graduated high school this weekend and I came down for the ceremony and to visit with my grandparents who also made the trek. I now have just under two weeks to waste until school starts and I intend to spend it doing some hiking and figuring out this new computer.

Also, I'm having impure thoughts about joining the Coast Guard. See, it counts as military service in terms of pay and retirement, but is far less... what's the word.... painfully stupid as the army. If I joined in the next year, I'd retire when I'm 42. Sigh... I don't know. Someone will talk me out of it, I'm sure.

I tried to catch up on politics since returning to the US, but it's a little overwhelming. Why are people letting Dick Cheney appear on television? Are there really people who think murdering a doctor that performs abortions is justified? Did the BNP really win seats in Europe? Sometimes I think I don't want to understand such things.

I've been asked to note that right now in my living room I'm blogging on my new Mac, my roommate's girlfriend is knitting, my roommate and my upstairs roommate are playing Magic and the History channel is on the television. What nerds.


Honey! said...

The Coast Guard? Like, for real? Doing what exactly????

And yeah, the fanatics who think killing the doc was kosher--there are terrorists EVERYWHERE.

Sara said...

Ya know you can join the coast guard, go through basic, then go to your unit without having an MOS? While you're in your unit you can then decided what you want to do, then put your name on the list for that school. Crazy, from an army point of view; ya don't enlist in the army so much as you enlist in a job in the army.

In any case, I don't want to do MI. That's all.

How are the mercenaries treating you?